
More on LDS Art

If you're going to examine LDS art at this point, the place to start is with Spencer W. Kimball. He gave what is essentially the landmark address on LDS art and artists. You can read it here. In fact, you should read it. Go read it. Now. Done? Okay good. For the majority of LDS artists of the day, this became a major part of their inspiration/vision. I know at least one of my teachers who completely changed his career path so that he could help fulfill in some small measure this vision.

This talk is also heavily emphasized in many of the classes that I've taken, so most people of my generation are pretty familiar with it as well. I want to look at the talk and (working from a position of belief that the prophet is in fact a prophet) examine what possible issues are holding LDS art back, and what can be done about them.

I took a few minutes and jotted down several actual or potential issues with LDS art:

1. Lack of inherent talent among our people
2. Lack of focus on the arts
3. Few full-time professional artists in the church
4. Not enough education and training of artists
5. No depth of thought among our people
6. Unrealistic views of life and the human condition
7. No market for quality work
8. Intolerance for "black sheep" in the LDS community
9. Cultural stigma against real art
10. Assumption that LDS-themed art is bad

I could obviously stretch this discussion into a lot of posts, but I'll try and limit it to three or four. And of course, if you have anything to add, feel free to comment.

1 comment:

  1. Don't you dare dis Steve Nethercott. He's my fave.
