
Computer Gremlins

So my computer has been acting up lately. It hasn't been loading totally right when I started it up, and the power cord has only been working intermittently. Sometimes it will charge my computer just fine, and other times it will be plugged in and not recognize that and then run out of batteries. It won't even turn on for a few days, then it will suddenly be at full power and work fine but still not recognize that it's plugged in. Now in the last two weeks or so it's gone back to being fine. What's up with that? Did I have a virus that just up and left? That theory seems to resemble a band of marauders who decided to pillage but not rape-unlikely when you consider that I was told in my genetics class that nearly 1% of the world's population has the same "y"chromosome as Genghis Khan. I don't thing that there's much pillaging without raping.

And jumping back from that disturbing digression, I'm wondering if maybe my computer has developed into a malevolent entity who is using brain washing tactics. It just gives me a random outcome regardless of my actions. Some days I'm punished and some days rewarded, but what I do has no bearing on the outcome. That's the kind of treatment that can break you.

As attractive as both those theories are, Occam's Razor seems to point to my current theory: gremlins. Nothing explains strange behavior in technology as well as gremlins. We've been using that one since WWII. Thusly, we can logically call my computer infested with gremlins.

1 comment:

  1. My computer does the same thing to me. His name is Adam.
